
Whether your freediving problem is mental or physical, it’s probably much more common than you think. You might not know this, but every freediver has encountered a roadblock if they’ve been freediving long enough - some people have them initially, and others have them somewhere else down the line (no matter how ‘naturally’ freediving came to them at the start).
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Matthieu began his underwater journey as a pro scuba diver, but didn’t enjoy it as much as he thought. He began playing with underwater photography, and after discovering the artistry Guillaume Nery’s freediving videos, Matthieu was blown away. He started freediving, and switched from a scuba to a freediving instructor career path - but quickly hit the depth limit of his island. However, once he moved to the Philippines, he discovered Mouthfill Frenzel and had access to depth, quickly propelling from 40m (131ft) to 70m (230ft) of depth.
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Whether you are freediving on a line to go deeper or off of the line for a taste of life under the sea, all freedivers must achieve a certain set of tools to function well mentally underwater. These tools are not only used for freediving - they can carry over into your life above water and improve your overall mental well-being!
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At some point in your freediving journey, you’ll probably hear that freediving is only 10% physical - the rest is 90% mental. We totally agree.
Being fit and healthy is definitely helpful for freediving, and eating right and exercising will never hinder your progress. But your mental state is equally, if not more important!
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Being fit and healthy is definitely helpful for freediving, and eating right and exercising will never hinder your progress. But your mental state is equally, if not more important!

Florian, also known as ‘Mr. 10 Minutes’ for his 10’33” breath-hold, can transform your perspective on STA, making it enjoyable while enhancing your relaxation and breath-hold times. And while breath-holding is definitely a freediving discipline, it really is so much more - it’s a cornerstone skill for all underwater activities.
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