Junior Freediving
12 - 15 Years Old
Discover/Lap/Wave Courses
Is your teenager ready to learn new skills, build confidence and safety, and gain a deep connection to the underwater world through freediving?
Let your child apply themselves both physically and mentally in the Junior Freediving 12 - 15 y/o courses! Swimming and diving techniques are gently introduced, with each level gradually building upon the previously learned skills and slowly introducing new ones into the mix. A sport as unique as freediving shapes teenagers into responsible, fit, ocean-loving young adults!

Lap Courses
Junior Lap courses take place in the pool or in confined water.

Lap Discover Freediving Experience
The 1 - 1.5-hour Lap Discover course for 12 - 15 y/o gives children a taste of the pool freediving world, with a mix of freediving theory, relaxation and equalization practice, and swimming and diving for distance on a breath-hold using flutter kicks (DYNB).
Course Goals
Understand freediving theory:
What is freediving?
Types of freediving
Why equalization is necessary
Equipment for pool sessions
Participate in a dry training session:
Body scan
Relaxation technique and recovery breathing
Frenzel equalization practice
Dry swimming: Front crawl technique
Experience pool freediving:
Flutter kicking with a kickboard
Front crawl on short breath-holds
Duck dive
Certification Requirements
Course Duration
1 - 1.5 hours

Lap 1 Course
Your child will get an introduction into freediving theory, learn surface swimming techniques, perform short breath-holds at the surface (STA), and experience diving distances underwater on a breath-hold with flutter kicks (DYNB) and dolphin kicks (DYN).
Able to swim 25m (82ft) in any style without assistance and without fins
Course Goals
Understand freediving theory:
Freediving physics
Equalization methods, characteristics, and differences
Human anatomy
Learn swimming techniques:
Surface flutter kick technique
Front crawl technique
Dolphin kick technique
Learn pool freediving techniques:
DYNB technique
DYN technique
Certification Requirements
Surface swim any style without fins 50m (164ft)
DYN 25m (82ft)
DYNB 25m
STA 45 sec
Course Duration
4 sessions of approximately 2 - 2.5 hours each

Lap 2 Course
Your child will build upon their existing freediving theory knowledge, learn the breaststroke technique and improve on existing swimming techniques, work on existing freediving techniques for longer breath-hold times and distances, and learn how to swim a distance underwater with only arm and leg strokes (DNF).
12 - 15 y/o Lap 1 certification
Course Goals
Understand freediving theory:
Functions and states of the human body while freediving
Basics of buddying and blackout rescue in the pool
Learn swimming techniques:
Breaststroke technique
Learn/improve pool freediving techniques:
Dynamic turn
DYNB technique
DYN technique
DNF technique
Certification Requirements
Swim any stye without fins 75m (246ft)
DNF 25m (82ft)
STA 1 min
Course Duration
4 sessions of approximately 2 - 2.5 hours each

Lap 3 Course
Your child will finish off their Junior Freediving journey in the pool by continuing to expand their freediving knowledge and improve and practice swimming and freediving techniques to safely achieve longer breath-hold times and distances in the pool.
12 - 15 y/o Lap 2 certification
Course Goals
Understand freediving theory
Major phases in freediving history
Human physiology and possible injuries
Freediving training methods
Improve swimming technique:
Glide phase in breaststroke
Improve pool freediving techniques:
DNF technique
DYNB technique
DYN technique
Certification Requirements
Swim any style without fins 100m (328ft)
DYNB 30m (98ft)
DYN 30m
STA 1:30 min
Course Duration
4 sessions of approximately 2 - 2.5 hours each
Wave Courses
(Independent of Lap Courses)
Junior Wave courses take place in open water and are separate from Lap courses. They introduce your child to depth freediving and slowly work to increase their confidence to dive deeper in a safe and controlled manner.

Wave Discover Freediving Experience
Your child will learn the basics of freediving theory, how to breathe properly and equalize their ears at depth, and practice underwater swimming techniques with flutter kicks (DYNB) and dolphin kicks (DYN). After, they’ll experience a little of everything in depth freediving: pulling down and up a line (FIM), flutter kicking to depth on a line (CWTB), and dolphin kicking down the line (CWT).
Course Goals
Understand freediving theory:
What is freediving?
Equipment for open water sessions
Participate in a dry training session:
Breathing exercises
Frenzel qualization practice
Dry swimming: Flutter kick technique
Dry swiming: Dolphin kick technique
Experience open water freediving:
Duck dive
Certification Requirements
Course Duration
1.5 - 2.5 hours

Wave 1 Course
Your child will dive into the basics of freediving theory, learn how to flutter kick at the surface, pull their way down and up a line (FIM), flutter kick to depth on a line (CWTB), and perform dolphin kicks down a line (CWT).
Be comfortable with water activities
Comfortable with facial submersion in water
Able to perform front crawl in fins
Course Goals
Understand freediving theory:
Freediving physics
Characteristics of freediving
Learn swimming technique:
Surface flutter kick technique
Learn open water freediving techniques:
FIM technique
CWTB technique
CWT technique
Certification Requirements
FIM 10 – 12m (33–49ft)
CWTB 8m (26ft)
CWT 8m
Surface DYNB non-stop with snorkel and bifins 100m (328ft)
Course Duration
4 sessions of approximately 2.5 - 3.5 hours each

Wave 2 Course
Your child will expand their freediving knowledge with continued theory, improve their surface flutter kicking technique, and refine their existing depth freediving techniques to deeper depths, with the added bonus of learning how to swim down the line with arm strokes and leg kicks (CNF).
12 - 15 y/o Wave 1 certification
Course Goals
Understand freediving theory:
How the human body works underwater
Human anatomy
Learn swimming technique:
Surface flutter kick technique performed face-up
Learn/improve open water freediving technique:
Blackout rescue
CWT technique
FIM technique
CWTB technique
CNF technique
Certification requirements
FIM 16 – 18m (52–59ft)
CWTB 12 – 14m (39–46ft)
CWT 12 – 14m
CNF 6 – 8m (20–26ft)
Surface DYNB non-stop with snorkel and bifins 300m (984ft)
Course Duration
4 sessions of approximately 2.5 - 3.5 hours each

Wave 3 Course
Your child will conclude their Junior Freediving journey and prepare themselves for adult courses by rounding out their freediving theory knowledge and build upon their existing depth freediving techniques to safely go deeper.
12 - 15 y/o Wave 2 certification
Course Goals
Understand freediving theory:
Human anatomy
How to train in open water
Equalization methods, characteristics, and differences
Learn/improve open water freediving technique:
FIM technique
CWTB technique
CWT technique
CNF technique
Certification Requirements
FIM 22 – 25m (72–82ft)
CWTB 18 – 20m (59–66ft)
CWT 18 – 20m
Surface DYNB non-stop with snorkel and fins 500m (1,640ft)
Course Duration
4 sessions of approximately 2.5 - 3.5 hours each