Molchanovs Junior Freediving Education

What is Junior Freediving?

Junior Freediving involves children learning the sport of freediving while holding their breath in a comfortable zone. It is available for children ages 4 - 15. From 4 years old, children learn the basics of floating, swimming, and becoming comfortable in the water. As they get older and progress through each course, they learn the basics of all freediving disciplines, preparing them to become passionate adult freedivers if they choose!
In the process of learning to swim and freedive, children not only learn practical skills in the technical aspects of diving - they also improve their health, become safer in water, and develop a healthy relationship with the ocean


Children’s bodies are constantly developing, and freediving training can help them thrive in extraordinary ways - particularly their cardiovascular and respiratory systems!

As children learn how to freedive, some of the natural outcomes include:
  • Muscle gain
  • Increased lung tissue elasticity
  • Increased vital capacity
  • Increased respiratory muscle strength
  • Improved blood supply to the brain and heart
  • Increased heart muscle strength
  • Increased stroke volume
  • Improved regulation of vascular tone and elasticity
  • Increased oxygen absorption by the cells of the body
  • Disease prevention


In Junior Freediving courses, children start by learning basic swimming techniques. As they get older and advance through the levels, they start to learn freediving disciplines and train it as a sport.

Practical tasks include:
  • Learning basic swimming techniques
    • Front crawl
    • Backstroke
    • Breaststroke
  • Practicing how to move in water with and without fins
  • Understanding and practicing the technical elements of freediving
    • Duck dive
    • Turns
    • Breathing techniques before and after diving
  • Training aerobic and anaerobic endurance
  • Increasing resistance to hypercapnia and acidosis

What makes the Molchanovs Junior Freediving Education System different from other youth programs?

Extensive experience

The author of the Molchanovs Junior Freediving Education System, Dr. Olga Lukova, has over 12 years of experience conducting Junior freediving trainings in Russia. Joining her are a group of experienced Junior ITs who are both educators and athletes dedicated to providing high-quality training.

Dedicated to Natalia’s philosophy

Natalia Molchanova, World Champion freediver and the inspiration for Molchanovs as an education system, always strived for safe and efficient freediving through education and training. Molchanovs is committed to her principles, which were the basis of the adult Lap/Wave Freediving courses. Those very same principles live on in the Junior Freediving Education System.

Comprehensive courses

The Molchanovs Junior Freediving Education System consists of courses for each age group, which is further divided into multiple levels of pool and open water courses. This ensures children get a thorough education and experience in either body of water.


青少年 (4 - 7 岁)


孩子们会逐渐适应在水中漂浮、水面游泳和鸭式潜水。随着他们越来越熟练,他们会学习自由泳和仰泳。高级学生将体验 STA/DYN/DYNB,所有这些都具有非常短且易于控制的屏气时间和距离。

4 - 7 岁青少年游泳课程包括:

  • 探索自由潜水体验
  • 第 1 圈
  • 第 2 圈
  • 第 3 圈

青少年 (8 - 11 岁)


孩子们首先学习一些自由潜水理论,然后熟悉水面游泳技巧和 STA/DYN/DYNB 技巧。之后,他们将学习平衡、蛙泳和练习 STA/DYN/DYNB。高级学生将学习海洋哺乳动物和人体解剖学、如何在泳池中转身以及 DNF 技巧。

8 - 11 岁青少年游泳课程包括:

  • 探索自由潜水体验
  • 第 1 圈
  • 第 2 圈
  • 第 3 圈


孩子们首先学习自由潜水物理学,以及水面游泳、鸭式潜水和 FIM/CWTB 技术。之后,他们会学习平衡方法以及人体在水下的运作方式,进一步学习 FIM/CWTB,并学习 CWT 技术。高级学生将学习海洋哺乳动物和更多自由潜水理论,学习昏厥救援,并继续慢慢增加深度并学习 FIM/CWT/CWTB 技术。

8 - 11 岁青少年 Wave 课程包括:

  • 探索波浪自由潜水体验
  • 第 1 波
  • 第 2 波
  • 第三波

青少年组 (12 - 15 岁)


孩子们首先学习自由潜水理论、平衡、自由泳技术以及 STA/DYN/DYNB 技术。之后,他们将学习如何完成泳池转身、学习蛙泳和 DNF 技术,并提高他们的 STA 时间。高级学生将了解自由潜水可能造成的伤害和训练方法,并在练习技术的同时逐渐增加所有学科的距离。

12 - 15 岁青少年游泳课程包括:

  • 探索自由潜水体验
  • 第 1 圈
  • 第 2 圈
  • 第 3 圈


孩子们从学习自由潜水物理、水面游泳技术和 FIM/CWT/CWTB 技术开始。之后,他们将学习水下平衡技术和人体解剖学、昏厥救援、体验 CNF 技术,并提高他们的 FIM/CWT/CWTB 表现。高级学生将学习如何在开放水域训练,了解平衡方法,并提高他们的 FIM/CWT/CWTB/CNF 技术。

12 - 15 岁青少年 Wave 课程包括:

  • 探索波浪自由潜水体验
  • 第 1 波
  • 第 2 波
  • 第三波