
How to Make Static Freediving Training Fun with Rami Bladlav
Static, or a breath-hold at the surface of water that is absent of movement, is one of the easiest disciplines for freedivers to train. However, when we say “easy,” we don’t mean that it’s simple to reach long breath-holds - many freedivers find static (STA) especially challenging due to the mental aspects of facing contractions for a prolonged period of time. But STA is definitely the easiest discipline for a freediver to train simply because all you need is a pool and a certified freediving buddy - and if you don’t have those, you can simply train on dry land, or even from your bed!
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Introducing Molchanovs Base Training Plus
Freedivers who are already familiar with Molchanovs Base Training know that it is a program individually crafted for different levels of freedivers that help them progress to better equalization, longer breath-holds and distances in the pool, and deeper depths. While taking a freediving course is the first step on your freediving journey, training between courses is where progress really happens - that is why Base Training was created.
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Company Statement
In the wake of the devastating war in Ukraine, we at Molchanovs International express our heartfelt and most sincere sympathy for all those affected by the ongoing crisis. Our thoughts are with Ukrainians, others affected by the war, and those who are bravely providing support.
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Introducing the First Competitive Freediving Courses: Wave 4 / Lap 4
Freediving as a sport continues to evolve, even though the act of freediving itself is hundreds of years old. As more studies are conducted in the physiology of freediving and athletes continue to test the limits of the human body, we at Molchanovs realized that it was time for a competition freediving course - one that has not yet been created by any other freediving agency. We consulted with the top freedivers and coaches in the world and combined them with the latest scientific updates in the sport to develop this absolutely unique course.
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